Hello all!
Hope you are OK!
Some years ago I’ve developed a simple shell script to purge old trace files and also to compact listener log.
There is only one pre-requisite: this script only works when you are not using OS user segregation. I mean, all the products should have the same owner.
I just have implemented this script in a lot of customers that I’ve worked in the past, but, it always good to reminder: ALWAYS test before implement in a Production system.
This script is dynamic, so, it will obtain all Oracle Homes from oraInventory.
The name of script is purge_oracle_files.sh:
#!/bin/bash # Obtain Oracle Inventory Location and create a file rm -f oraInventory.loc 2>/dev/null inventory_location=`cat oraInventory.loc` cat /etc/oraInst.loc | grep "loc" | cut -d "=" -f2 >> $inventory_location # Creates the log dir mkdir log 2>/dev/null # Obtain Oracle Home Names and Locations and create a separated file for each Oracle Home rm -f oracle_homes *.oh 2>/dev/null cat ${inventory_location}/ContentsXML/inventory.xml | grep "HOME NAME" | awk '{print $2" "$3}' | grep -v "PLUGIN" |grep -v "agent" | grep -v "REMOVED" | sed 's/NAME=\"//' | sed 's/LOC=\"//' | sed 's/\"//g' >> oracle_homes cat oracle_homes | while read line; do name=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`; touch $name.oh; echo $line | awk '{print $2}' > $name.oh; done # Convert days in minutes - Required by ADRCI minutes=$(expr $1 \* 24 \* 60) logfile=`echo $name.$data.log` # Create Shell Scripts and Execute them ls -l *.oh | awk '{print $9}' | while read oh do name=`echo ${oh} | cut -d "." -f1` data=`date +%Y%m%d` shell=`echo ${oh}.sh | sed 's/.oh//'` logfile=`echo $name.$data.log` rm $shell 2>/dev/null touch $shell touch log/$logfile export ORACLE_HOME=`cat $oh` export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH if [ -d "$ORACLE_HOME" ] then LISTENERS=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/adrci exec="show homes"| grep -v ":" | grep "listener" | grep -v grep | wc -l` if [[ $LISTENERS -gt 0 ]] then ps -ef |grep tns | grep -v grep | grep "LISTENER" | awk '{print $9}' | while read listener do echo "lsnrctl <<EOF" >> log_status_off.sh echo "set current_listener $listener" >> log_status_off.sh echo "set log_status off" >> log_status_off.sh echo "EOF" >> log_status_off.sh done ps -ef |grep tns | grep -v grep | grep "LISTENER" | awk '{print $9}' | while read listener do echo "lsnrctl <<EOF" >> log_status_on.sh echo "set current_listener $listener" >> log_status_on.sh echo "set log_status on" >> log_status_on.sh echo "EOF" >> log_status_on.sh done ps -ef |grep tns | grep -v grep | grep "LISTENER" | awk '{print $9}' | while read listener do echo "cd" `lsnrctl status $listener | grep "Listener Log" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\/alert\/log.xml/\/trace/g'` >> gzip_listener.sh echo "gzip *.log" >> gzip_listener.sh done $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adrci exec="show homes"| grep -v ":" | grep -v "listener" | while read homepath do echo "echo \"Realizando expurgo do Home Path: $homepath\"" >> $shell echo "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/adrci exec=\"set echo ON; spool log/$logfile append; set homepath $homepath; purge -age $minutes\" >> log/$logfile" >> $shell #break done else export ORACLE_HOME=`cat $oh` >> $shell export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH >> $shell echo "export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME" >> $shell echo "export PATH=$PATH" >> $shell echo "logfile=log/$logfile" >> $shell $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adrci exec="show homes"| grep -v ":" | while read homepath do echo "echo \"Realizando expurgo do Home Path: $homepath\"" >> $shell echo "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/adrci exec=\"set echo ON; spool log/$logfile append; set homepath $homepath; purge -age $minutes\" >> log/$logfile" >> $shell break done fi else echo "Oracle Home registrado no inventario e inexistente no servidor: $name: $ORACLE_HOME" >> log/$logfile 2>/dev/null rm $shell 2>/dev/null fi chmod +x $shell 2>/dev/null chmod +x log_status*.sh 2>/dev/null chmod +x gzip_listener.sh 2>/dev/null # sh $shell >> log/$logfile 2>/dev/null sh log_status_off.sh 2>/dev/null sh gzip_listener.sh 2>/dev/null sh log_status_on.sh 2>/dev/null done
The execution is very simple:
./purge_oracle_files 10
10 is the number of days that I would like to retain my trace files.
This rule does not apply to the listener logs. To listener logs, the script always will gzip and create a new one.
Hope this helps!
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My postings reflect my own views and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer, Accenture.